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Five Spires Primary Academy

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Five Spires Academy is a one-form entry primary school in Lichfield, Staffordshire, providing places for children from Nursery through to Year 6.

Our standard admission number is 30 children per year group in Reception and Key Stages 1 & 2 and 24 children (age 3-4 years) in Nursery.

Nursery Admissions

Nursery sessions are as follows:

Morning Nursery: 8.30am-11.30am (3h)

   Lunch Club: 11.30am-12.15pm (45m)

Afternoon Nursery: 12.15pm-3.15pm (3h)

A full day totals 6.75 hours or we offer 3-hour morning places from 8.30am to 11.30am or 3-hour morning sessions plus lunch club from 8.30am to 12.15pm.  Lunch club is not covered by 15- or 30-hour funding and costs £4.50 a day.  During this 45 minute lunchtime, children can either eat a packed lunch from home or buy a school meal at a cost of £2.20 daily.

We can provide both 15- and 30-hour funded places (space dependent) and take up to 24 children per session. Parents wishing to pay for additional sessions can do so. Please enquire at the main office for current prices.

How to Apply

Five Spires Nursery accepts children from the term following their 3rd birthday. The school manages its own admissions for Nursery places and also runs a wraparound before- and after-school service which parents are welcome to access, dependent on availability.

Please apply directly to the school by completing the application form below:

Nursery Application Form

Reception Admissions

Children start Reception at the beginning of the academic year (September) in which they become five. Each academic year, Five Spires Academy runs an open morning and two open afternoons to enable prospective parents to view the school. These are advertised on our website, or our office staff will be pleased to help you.

It is important to remember that having a place in our Nursery does NOT guarantee a place in the Reception class and a separate application should be made via Staffordshire County Council Primary Admissions.

Five Spires Admissions Policy

Normal Point of Entry – Reception Admissions

All applications for Reception places are made through Staffordshire County Council who apply our admissions criteria to all applications and notify parents directly of allocated places.

Online applications are now the preferred method of making a preference for schools at the normal age of entry. Last year, around 92% of applications for Secondary and Primary School applications were made online.

Parents who apply online are able to receive email notification of their school place on the national offer day, rather than through the post.

The quickest and easiest way to apply is online:
Staffordshire In-Year Admissions

School Admissions and Transport Service
Staffordshire County Council
1 Staffordshire Place
ST16 2DH

Tel: 0300 111 8007

Email: [email protected]

REAch2 Admissions Policy - 2024/2025

What happens if the school is oversubscribed?

When the school is oversubscribed (that is, there are more applications than places available), after the admission of pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan that names the school, priority for admission will be given to those children based on the criteria set out below, in the order shown:

1. Looked after children and previously looked after children.
2. Previously looked after children outside of England.
3. Children with siblings in the school.
4. Children of school staff fulfilling a skills shortage role.
5. All other children.

How are catchment areas decided?

Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places available within any of the categories above, the order in which places will be allocated will be determined by reference to the distance between the child's home address (as defined by the Admissions Policy) and the school, with those living nearer receiving higher priority. Further information can be found at:


If you require any further information or advice, please contact the school office.